Free Fraud Text Alerts
Validate Transactions in Real-Time with Fraud Text Alerts
While we’ve always monitored our customers’ card activity for possible fraudster abuse as a value-added service, we’re happy to announce that we're adding an additional layer of security to help combat debit card fraud quickly and more conveniently. Beginning July 28, we can text you if we see something unusual.
Receiving real-time text alerts is a free fraud solution that detects suspicious transactions that occur outside of your normal shopping patterns, spending ranges or geographic areas.
All bank debit cardholders are automatically enrolled in the service. In the event suspected fraud activity occurs on your card, you will receive an email, instant text message or phone call alert asking you to respond YES or NO to authorize or reject a presented transaction. It’s that simple!
For Your Account Security, it is Important to Respond to Fraud Alerts
If you confirm the activity is legitimate, no further action will be required and your card will remain open for use.
If the activity is in fact fraudulent, you will be prompted with the next steps to help secure your account.
If you are unable to respond to the alert within 15 minutes, your debit card will be temporarily suspended.
For your protection, a restriction will be placed on your debit card until items are verified. The restriction will block your debit card from any further use until you’ve verified the activity in question. To avoid the inconvenience that any unauthorized use of your debit card account could cause, please respond in a timely manner to messages and keep your contact information updated with the bank so you can stay informed and take advantage of these important fraud text alerts.
If we have your current mobile phone number and email address on file, you don’t have to do anything. If you need to verify or update your contact information, call Customer Care at 888.827.5564 — Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm CT and SAT, 9am-4pm CT
If you are uncertain if a communication received from us is authentic, please contact Customer Care at 888.827.5564 or your local branch for assistance. We will never send you a message asking for your personal or account information, card or PIN numbers, or passwords. If you receive a message or suspicious phone call asking for this type of information, please contact us immediately and do not respond to the message.
- All bank debit cardholders are automatically enrolled in the text message fraud alert service. If we have your current mobile number on file, you don’t have to do anything. If you need to confirm or update your mobile phone number on file, give us a call at 888.827.5564 or contact your local branch.
Consumer and business debit cardholders with valid mobile phone numbers on file are automatically enrolled to receive Fraud Text alerts at no charge to the cardholder.
When our debit card fraud alert system suspects a transaction may be fraudulent, it will immediately send a text requesting verification that a transaction is valid.
Bank text message alerts will come from: 37268. Save this number in your contacts so you don’t miss any alerts.
If our Fraud Department identifies a potential threat, the debit card in question will be temporarily suspended. This will trigger our messaging service to notify you by text. The system will try the mobile phone number we have on file so it’s important to keep your contact information up-to-date. We will also attempt to reach you by email or phone in addition to text. If a response is not received, your card will be temporarily suspended.
Yes. You will receive a message showing the $ amount of the transaction, the last four digits of the card # and the merchant name. The text will prompt you to respond in order to authorize or reject the transaction(s) by responding YES or NO. The bank will then either instantly reactivate your card or suspend/block your card to protect you from further fraudulent transactions.
In general, a block is removed immediately; however, in some instances it could take 5-10 minutes before a block is removed.
Once a transaction has been authorized by you, you can attempt the transaction again usually within 5-10 minutes of receiving the text to validate transaction activity.
Alerts that bounce back are not recorded. This is why it is critical to keep your contact information on file with the bank up-to-date.
Yes. To opt-out of text alerts, text STOP to a fraud alert text message.
However, keep in mind that when you choose to opt-out, you are only opting out of receiving fraud text alerts and not from fraud monitoring completely. Your card activity will still be monitored the same as always, you simply will not receive a text alert. In the event future attempted transactions achieve a certain level of risk, your card may be restricted without notification.
You can always reply UNDO to the text message or send a text to 37268 and reply UNDO if you want to opt back in.
No. All fraud alert communications are sent based on potential fraud risk alone.
If the mobile device is eligible to receive text messages when traveling internationally, the customer will receive text messages.
No. Alerts are triggered by transactions that are suspected fraud. Since fraud monitoring is based upon risk, cardholders cannot customize alert settings.
Ready to explore how First National 1870 can assist you? Speak to a personal banker at a branch near you, contact a specialist on our Wealth Management team, or find the right financial partner on our Commercial Banking team for your business needs.
This article contains general information only. First National 1870 is not, by means of this article, rendering accounting, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. This article is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, before making any decisions related to these matters, you should consult a qualified professional advisor..