Two Easy Tips To Stay On Top Of Credit
While it might seem unfair at times, and no one likes being labeled with a number, the truth is your credit score really does matter. A healthy credit score makes it easier to rent or buy a home, get a credit card, obtain an auto loan, or even enjoy better insurance rates. All of these benefits make protecting your credit score an essential part of adult life. Fortunately, it’s actually pretty simple to follow just a couple of tips to stay on top of it.
Check your credit report
In our digital age, we have more opportunity than ever to access financial data, and that includes being able to check credit scores. Many mobile banking apps allow you to check your credit score directly from your mobile device. At Sunflower Bank and First National 1870, our online and mobile banking platforms(Opens in a new window) offer you the chance to use Credit Sense, a free tool that gives you access to your current credit score, as well as your credit history, reports, and additional monitoring features.
Knowing your credit score is important so that you can understand how you appear to potential lenders. It can also motivate you as you gradually work towards your credit goals. If you do not have access to our online banking services, and want to see your credit report, you can obtain a free copy once every 12 months at AnnualCreditReport.com(Opens in a new window).
Get credit activity alerts
An important part of staying on top of your credit score is knowing when there is a requested change to your credit. As mentioned above, Credit Sense credit monitoring can alert you whenever there is activity that involves or affects your credit report. Credit Sense alerts can give you a heads-up on events that may impact your score, such as:
Inquiries: Requests from lenders to review your credit report or obtain a credit score in connection to loan applications.
New accounts: A new loan or credit card account opened using your name and Social Security number. New accounts can also include collections accounts.
Credit monitoring can also help alert you of identity theft threats, and keep you up to speed on situations that may require you to take action. In most cases, the sooner you act, the easier it is to resolve a discrepancy or prevent future incidents.
Staying on top of your credit and protecting the health of your credit score can help you head down – and stay on – the right financial path. To learn more about credit scores, and how to increase yours, visit our blog.(Opens in a new window) Our team of financial professionals want to partner with you to help you achieve your unique financial goals. Reach out to one of our team members today to see how we can help.
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