Vitality Money Market for Business

vitality for business

Business Money Market with Rates as of December 27, 2024

Don’t let your business deposits lie idle! Take your funds parked elsewhere and put them into motion to earn more for your business. Our Vitality Money Market account will bring your business savings to life.

2.00% APY1,2 

 $249,999.01 & ABOVE

1.30% APY1,2 


0.50% APY1,2 


Give your business savings an added boost.

Ask a Banker for details and open your account today!

1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

2A minimum $25,000 of new money is required to be deposited into the Vitality Money Market – Business savings account at time of opening. All deposits to the account must be new money. New money is defined as funds not currently on deposit at the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to monitor the account to ensure compliance with this requirement. A $1,000 minimum daily account balance is required to avoid the $8 monthly maintenance fee. Account only available to business depositors. Not available to Public Funds or brokered deposits. Terms and rates subject to change after the account is opened. Rates accurate as of 12/27/2024. $0.01-$99,999.00=0.50% APY, $99,999.01-$249,999.00=1.30% APY, $249,999.01 and up=2.00% APY. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.